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Thank you, Mirai!

Sofia Blake - Family of the Ambassador of the United States to Indonesia (2013-2016) - Washington D.C - USA

Discovering Donny and joining his children’s program was a stroke of luck for our family. We had been looking for a great program and coach for quite some time. We have three daughters who play tennis, at a different level and motivation. Finding coaches that improve their game and keep the motivation is not easy. Coach Donny was phenomenal – great instructions, high energy, consistency and dedication. It was great pleasure working with him. We are going to miss him in Washington. The girls continue their tennis in the States now, and I am grateful for Coach Donny’s impact on their game. He proved, again, that in most things, it is the people, not facilities or credentials, that make the difference.

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- Raffles Hotel Jakarta

- Pakubuwono Residence Jakarta

- Stamford Activitiy Club Cibubur


Phone/WA: +62 812-2060-5003

Email: info@miraitennis.com

Website: www.miraisporta.com